LEED with Sterling Planet – For most leading organizations, sustainability is integrated into the design and construction process and vital to operations. Critical to any green building is its impact upon the environment, society and the health and wellbeing of the occupants.
LEED provides a sustainability framework for design, construction, operations, and maintenance of new and existing buildings. Renewable Energy is rewarded under the LEED standard as a critical component to any green building.
Sterling Planet, a national leader since 2000 in the sale of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) for LEED buildings is here to be your partner in helping you achieve your goals. Discover how our team of professionals is easy to work with and can customize solutions to meet your needs.

What is LEED?
LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. It is an internationally recognized green building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.
The current version of LEED is version 4.1 and is the next generation standard for building design, construction, operations and maintenance. More information can be found at the USGBC Website
*This information was sourced from the USGBC Website
LEED® Green Power Requirements
Intent – To reduce the environmental and economic harms associated with fossil fuel energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the supply of renewable energy projects.
Requirements – Use on-site renewable energy systems or procure renewable energy from offsite sources for all or a portion of the building’s annual building energy use.
Choose one or more strategies for renewable energy procurement from the categories below. Points achieved in each category may be added for a total of 5 points.
- Tier 1: On-site renewable energy generation
- On-site renewable energy generation, environmental attributes (e.g. RECs) retained.
- Tier 2: New off-site renewable energy
- Off-site renewable electricity that is produced by a generation asset(s) built within the last five years or contracted to be operational within two years of building occupancy.
- Green-e Energy certification or equivalent is required for one-time purchase and delivery of EACs of more than 100% of the project’s annual electricity use
- Tier 3: Off-site renewable energy
- Off-site renewable electricity that is Green-e Energy certified or equivalent or captured bio-methane
Ownership of Environmental Attributes: All environmental attributes associated with renewable energy generation must be retired on behalf of the LEED project in order for the renewable energy procurement to contribute to credit achievement.
The default contract length for renewable energy procurement is 10 years. Contract lengths less than 10 years may be pro-rated.
For Tier 2, the age of the generation asset(s) is assessed at the beginning of the contract, and the generation asset(s) retain these attributes for the duration of the initial contract or lease term.
Off-site renewable energy must be generated by renewable electricity projects located in the same country or region where the LEED project is located.
Methane capture in the form of biogas that is both captured and used on-site may qualify as a Tier 1 renewable energy resource.
Points are awarded according to Table 1, based on the percentage of total site energy use. Renewable electricity and EAC procurement can only be applied to project electricity use or district energy use. Captured bio-methane can only be applied to project fuel use.
Tier 1 renewable energy may be accounted for in the cost metric and the GHG emissions metric in EA credit Optimize Energy Performance.
Tier 2 renewable energy may be accounted for in the GHG emissions metric in EA credit Optimize Energy Performance. Calculate avoided GHG emissions by using the renewable energy asset’s hourly generation profile and the hourly GHG emissions profile of the renewable energy asset’s grid. Where hourly data are not available, calculate avoided GHG emissions using the emissions factors defined in EA prerequisite Minimum Energy Performance.