Sterling Investments is our resource for bringing renewable and environmental projects to life. With over 20 years of experience in sustainable energy development, we are able to utilize our extensive knowledge in utility contracting processes, renewable energy sales agreements, as well as financial analysis/structuring to make investing in our planet financially feasible.
Renewable Project Financing
Investment in, and wide deployment of, alternative sources of energy will go a long way in solving our long-term energy needs. Equally important to our future is access to efficient financing.
Sterling Investments aims to provide third-party ownership structures that are streamlined and cost-effective, incorporating a power purchase or lease payments to the site owner. These renewable financing structures can be applied to projects where energy is purchased by a utility or is designed to serve on-site electrical load.
During the project feasibility stage, the cost of available financing options are crucial to evaluate. After all key project agreements are in place, optimizing the financial and tax credit/benefit structure for investment will be the driver of project installation, connection, and maintenance services. Opportunities listed below are made possible by Sterling Investments.